Monday, December 31, 2007

Welcome to 2008 !!!

Is it just me, or does it just seem like yesterday that we were all hunkering down with our bomb shelter quantities of supplies, just waiting for the world as we knew it to change dramatically when the clock clicked to 2000? Well, we've survived "Y2K", and soon will be far enough into the 2000's that we're no longer messing up on our checks. We're all a lot older, but are we any wiser?

My favorite part of the Christmas holidays are the letters and pictures that we receive from those that we never see enough. It never fails to amaze me how much can happen in a year that most describe as "uneventful". I love to curl up on the couch, with a good ( strong! ) cup of coffee and a blanket as I read and re-read your letters. It makes me happy to catch up, but sad at how much time I've missed away from you all.

I'm not really into New Years Resolutions as they are typically described, but I'm all for a personal debriefing, focusing, and adjusting priorities. Some look at this as a time to set yourself up for failure, as most "resolutions" are cast aside before they're barely off our lips. I figure, you've got to start somewhere! Who knows, something might stick this time. Perhaps this resolution will last a whole week.... it's better than nothing, right? Of course, most classic resolutions are based around our increased desire to maintain our health. We're either going to lose weight, eat healthier, get in shape, etc. ( If I were an investor, I'd certainly like to own an athletic club in the months of Jan and Feb. The new memberships alone must make you a bundle)

As I've taken stock of this year, I've seen several ways that I've not lived up to my own expectations ~ haven't we all, if we're honest? I've had other areas that I've been okay with. I'm far from perfect and I know it ~ and I know you know it as well. I've lived with the consequences of my failures, but I'm not going to live riddled in guilt and self flogging. I don't believe in that, and thankfully, neither does God. He's a God of "do overs".... and I usually need them.

So, what will 2008's goals be? I want to be more loving on a daily basis. I want to learn to let God handle the things that are in His job description and quit thinking they're in mine. I want to be kinder in spirit to those people who just infuriate me at times; to be more forgiving of others "faults" as I hope they are with mine. I'd like to be able to prioritize better ~ making sure that I don't have a meaningless "to-do" list, but have people and relationships at the top of my list. I need to remember to laugh more, forgive myself easier and trust that God knows exactly what He's doing in my life. I want the pace of my life to be God honoring.

I pray that each of you finds yourself enjoying God's grace, mercy and peace throughout 2008. Thankfully, He's a God of "do-overs", who loves us enough and is patient enough to forgive us ~ taking joy in us. He knows we're not perfect, but we're still the apple of his eye. He loves our company ~ perhaps that whole goal ~ spend more time with Him and the rest takes care of itself!


Kellie said...

I have heard that some people wait to make their resolutions in the spring. Something about shaking off the winter and embracing the new life bursting all around.

I feel like I made my resolution in September when I turned my life upside down and decided to accept the 'rents gracious offer and move home.

All of this to say, how great is it that we can make resolutions any time of year? Whenever we feel like our lives need a little pinch in the rear, we can resolve to begin anew.

There's something comforting about that, I think.

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