Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jones Clan Innaugural Update

So, who really cares what the Jones Clan is up to? Probably just family and friends, of which you can consider yourselves a part of. I don't claim to be a webmaster, or really even have a clear picture of what that would be, but thought this might be a great way to update our family and friends with the latest happenings. My wonderful family is scattered all over the place, each in different phases and stages of life. I'm not close enough to see them nearly as much as I'd like, but with this, perhaps I can still glean a bit of wisdom from them ~ share a laugh ~ a great picture ~ whatever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! And I do care what the Jone's are up to. Yes and I am family. I love to hear your voice in your writing. It is very smart and authentic. You have always been a great writer. You should try your hand at writing a book or short story. Hugs and loves Ran