Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Storm Can't Hold 'Em Down!

After 20 inches of snow, 75 - 80 mph winds, rain and ice, 3 days with no planes coming in or out ~ FINALLY, Addie and her team got to leave and head to Juneau for the "Christmas Classic Tournament". ( She is the one on the left, facing the camera )Of course, since it took them 24 hours to get out of Kodiak, they unfortunately missed their first game against Redmond, Washington. However, they still have 2 to play ~ Juneau and Wrangell. There was supposed to have been a team from North Carolina, but they had to cancel, so Wrangell was a last minute add. There are boys and girls teams in this tournament, some from as far away as Australia! If you're anything like Alan and I, you're asking yourself ... "Who the heck is paying for this!!". Juneau paid our tickets, that's all we know. It should be a fun tournament with good competition, then she'll have 1 weekend off before the rest of the season keeps her busy, either home or away every weekend until mid-March. Please keep her in your prayers as she has a very difficult academic load this year, especially Chemistry, where most of the labs are on Thursdays or Fridays when she travels, so has to make those up all the time. This particular set of teachers are not at all empathetic to traveling students, so that makes it even more of a challenge. Add that to just being a very busy, hormonal teenage girl and you get the need for prayers. Sometimes I think she's burning the candle from several ends and I wonder why she doesn't crash and burn. Guess we were all like that back in our high energy teenage years!!!

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