Monday, September 1, 2008

Life comes at you fast, doesn't it? It feels like yesterday that I was knee deep in closing my year as an elementary secretary, and I'm already back ~ knee deep in getting it open again. I'm incredibly thankful that I had a summer of rest and relaxation. Just what the doctor ordered.

I had the privilege of visiting my sister and her family in North Carolina. My, what a beautiful state! I'm already dreaming of retirement there. Now I just have to convince my hubby.... I've got 8 years for that but I'm starting now. As any woman can agree, to have the opportunity to take a 2 week vacation by yourself, where you wear only 1 hat, that of "person", is a real break. I was not a wife or mother. Now, don't misunderstand, I love the title of "wife" and "mother", but it was quite relaxing to indulge and not have to think about being the keeper of anyone's happiness. So, Randi, Don, Kellie, Essie,. Regan & Taylor, thanks for the wonderful memories!!

I returned and had the joy of having company this summer. Good friends who had moved from Kodiak came and stayed for a couple of weeks, then my sister-in-law and father-in-law came for a week. Before I knew it, I was back at work.

I've been pondering lately at how fast life is. I feel as if I barely have enough time to react to news or changes ~ and it's already old news, quickly being pushed aside by the onslaught of an ever changing world. We are in the midst of a presidential election year that hits close to home as Alaska's Gov. Sarah Palin has been chosen to be McCain's VP candidate. I have very mixed reviews. I believe she has the ability, but I'm not sure I relish the brutal, continual media attention to anyone, let alone a wife and mother of 5. Now we find out her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant and I'm shocked. Why put your family through this?

Hurricanes and threats of disaster seem to be the focal point of the news as well. Life as we know it contains both effortless joy and heart wrenching pain in relatively short spans of time. Yet, the God of all power and majesty is not caught off guard and in that fact there is ultimate comfort.

In a matter of days my oldest will return to college. The goal ~ finish our sophomore year. My youngest is beginning her senior year of high school ~ looking forward to her future after high school. And, I must admit, Alan and I are looking forward to some quiet evenings at home. We're not trying to clear the nest early, but when there aren't a crowd of teenagers around, there is a solace to be enjoyed.

I've posted some pics, wishing I new how to do this better.... always something to learn... Perhaps it won't take as long to update the next time.