Tuesday, April 29, 2008

50's not soooo bad!

Okay, I may have only been 50 for a few hours, but so far it's not so bad. I've come to realize it's an unavoidable march in time, so I might as well go along for the ride. Age has never bothered me, so why did I do a glitch last night as I hung over the precipice of this milestone? Who knows. But, I'm over it now. Now I just need to surround myself with people who say, "50? Really? You make it look so good!!" Of course, this is not the same as having someone tell me I'm not acting my age ~ that wouldn't be good!

I figure I've lived over 1/2 my life ~ no, I'm not going to ponder ad nausea about whether I've "lived my life well up to this point"... I do see being on the downhill slide as a good thing. I'm secure in my future and I don't want to outlive all my peers... that would just be boring. I do hope that the last part of my life shows some sort of growth, maturity and wisdom from the 1st half. I guess that's a goal, right? Some people might have loftier goals, but I'm thinking that I would be happy if I attained this one.

So, it's on to the next phase of life ... I think I'm going to like this getting old stuff!